
King Society

Martin Luther King Society

Founded by Edwin Conley (’04) and Ben Pote (’04) in January 2003, the Martin Luther King Society honors the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King’s work towards equality, justice, freedom, and peace.
Membership in the King Society comprises sophomores, juniors, and seniors within the student body. A maximum number of 10 students in each class are eligible for membership. To be considered for membership, students must meet the minimum criteria laid out in the society’s charter. 
The application for the Martin Luther King Society may be downloaded by clicking here. Completed applications are due to Mr. Kelly by Friday, December 13. The form you download is a Microsoft Word document. Please check to be sure that you realign the pages when you have typed in the information. You may then email the completed application to Mr. Kelly or print a copy and turn it in to him.

Montgomery Bell Academy

4001 Harding Road
Nashville, TN 37205
(615) 298-5514